Internal Power Filters:
The Water Cleanser works very well with Internal Power Filters. 1 ball can be used for every 52 gallons by placing the ball into the bottom sponge compartment of the filter. Internal filters may have 1, 2, or 3 compartments, depending on the size of the aquarium. Use a filter with 3 compartments for the best results, but if a 2 compartment filter is used, chop the bottom sponge in half and place the pieces below it.
Canister Aquarium Filters:
These are great filter systems but please ensure that they are set up below the tank or level with the tank. The inlet should be no more than 1 inch from the bottom of the tank. Do not have the system higher than the tank as it will be less effective and the water may not be as clean.
Internal Sponge Filters:
These filters work well in ponds when placed at the lowest point in the pond. When cleaning the filter sponge, squirt it under a hose and squeeze the waste out, then place straight back into the pond. Do not dry the sponge as it will contain good bacteria. The pond will become a little murky after cleaning but should clear within 24 hours.
Hang-On Tank Filter Systems:
The Water Cleanser is not very effective with these types of systems due to the height of the filter and the lower water flow. If you use this filter system, please ensure that the water inlet is 1 inch from the bottom of the tank and place a sponge over the inlet.